2.1.5 Power-on settings
The Commander core has the ability to set and store the default power-on value for the digital outputs and the standalone programs.
The initial state of the enable outputs can be defined by setting the 4-bit EOBOOT register to the desired initial enable output value.
The initial state of the high-speed digital outputs can be defined by setting the 4-bit DOBOOT register to the desired initial digital output value. The DOBOOT value must be within the range of 0-15.
The initial state of the configurable digital I/O can be defined by setting the IOBOOT register to the desired initial configured output value. The IOBOOT value will only be applicable to configurable I/O defined as outputs by the IOCFG command. The IOBOOT value must be a 32-bit value.
Standalone programs can be configured to run on boot-up using the SLOAD command.
The values for the power-on settings are stored to flash memory once the STORE command is issued. They will take effect on the following power cycle.
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