VEC– Vector Motion Enable
Write-only command that enables the vector motion operation.
- 3-axis buffer mode is available in all 4axis and 8 axis versions of the Commander.
- 4-axis vector (linear) buffer mode is available in all 4axis and 8 axis versions of the commander with V202 firmware or newer.
- 2-axis vector (linear) buffer mode is available in all Gen 5 versions of the commander with V301 firmware or newer.
- 6-axis and 8-axis vector
Applies to: CMD-4CR, CMD-4EX-SA
Standalone BUFON
Applies to: CMD-4CR, CMD-4EX-SA
Applies to: CMD-4CR, CMD-4EX-SA with V202 or newer firmware
BO=[buffer mode]
Where: [buffer mode] specifies the buffer mode 1 = 3 axis buffer mode, and 2 = 4 axis in vector (linear) buffer mode, for backwards compatibility, when only BO is sent, 3 axis buffer mode is enabled. |
Command is accepted and executed
Command cannot be processed
An error message is returned. See Error Codes
Write: BO * Enables the 3 axis buffer operation
Applies to: CMD-4CR, CMD-4EX-SA with V202 or newer firmware
BO=2 * Enables the 4 axis buffer operation
- In 3-axis buffer mode - axis X,Y, and Z are used and supports, ARC, ARCT, CIR, CIRT, and the 3 axis version of the I command. In this mode axis U is not available for any motion.
- In 4 axis vector (linear) buffer mode only the 4 axis version of the I command can be buffered.
- With V202 firmware for the CMD-4CR and CMD-4EX-SA a 4 axis in vector (linear) buffer mode, was added. To access the new functionality add BO=2 to enable 4 axis in vector (linear) buffer mode.
- BO still works as originally designed as well as BO=1 for 3 axis buffer mode.
- BF must be called between moving from 3 to 4 axis or vice versa.
- In 4 axis vector (linear) buffer mode only the 4 axis version of the I command can be buffered.
- BF, BSTAT, and BSTART all operate the same for the 3 axis and 4 axis version of the buffer command.