ARC – Circular Interpolation (Arc)
The ARC command is a write-only command that starts a 2-axes arc interpolated motion. Arcs are similar to a 2-axis circular interpolation operation. The difference between them is that the endpoint position of the arc interpolation is arbitrarily set on the trajectory of the circular interpolation, thus creating an arc. An arc can be either the CW or CCW direction. All ARC moves are interpreted as absolute moves.
Applies to: CMD-4CR, CMD-4EX-SA
ASCII/Standalone ARC
The Commander series allows arcs to be drawn using any 2 axes.
Applies to: PMX-4EX-SA, PMX-4ET-SA
ASCII/Standalone ARCP Perform ARC move in CW direction
ARCN Perform ARC move in CCW direction
The ARC command can only be used with the X and Y axes on Performax series.
Applies to: CMD-4CR, CMD-4EX-SA
ARC[A1][A2]P[C1]:[C2]:[Ɵ] *for CW motion
ARC[A1][A2]N[C1]:[C2]:[Ɵ] *for CCW motion
Where: [A1][A2] specifies axis 1 and axis 2 (X, Y, Z, U), N or P specifies direction of motion, with N = CCW, and P = CW, [C1]:[C2] specifies the arc coordinate center of [A1],[A2] (32-bit value), [Ɵ] specifies the end of position of the arc (unit = 0.001 degrees, 0-360,000) |
Applies to: PMX-4EX-SA, PMX-4ET-SA
ARCP[C1]:[C2]:[Ɵ] *for CW motion
ARCN[C1]:[C2]:[Ɵ] *for CCW motion
Where: N or P specifies direction of motion, with N = CCW, and P = CW, [C1]:[C2] specifies the arc coordinate center of [A1],[A2] (32-bit value), [Ɵ] specifies the end of position of the arc (unit = 0.001 degrees, 0-360,000) |
Command is accepted and executed
Command cannot be processed
An error message is returned. See Error Codes
Applies to: CMD-4CR, CMD-4EX-SA
Write: ARCXZP0:100:90000 *Arc interpolation of X and Z axis, center X = 0, Y = 100, 90-degree arc in the CW direction
Applies to: PMX-4EX-SA, PMX-4ET-SA
Write: ARCN0:100:90000 * Arc interpolation of X and Y axis, center X = 0, Y = 100, 90-degree arc in the CCW direction
- Other conditions:
Joystick operation is disabled
Manual pulse generator (MPG) operation is disabled
Current operations are stopped
Error status is off