Alphabetical Command Listing
Alphabetical Command Listing
This section lists all the commands in alphabetical order, along with detailed definitions and examples. The definition of each command includes the following items:
- A explanation of the operation or task the command preforms.
- Applies to: List of witch Nippon Pulse controllers the command is available on, along with an Identification of the command name for ASCII mode and if applicable Standalone mode.
While every command is supported in ASCII mode, not every command is available in standalone mode.
For simplicity purpose, the rest of the definition will only reference the ASCII command. Unless otherwise noted, the syntax, reply, and examples between the ASCII and Standalone and between different controllers will be the same with only the identification name changing.
- Syntax: Characteristics of the command for both Read and Write as applicable
- Reply: Expected reply
- Notes: Exceptions or special instructions or warnings associated with this command
- See Also: Similar commands associated with the specific operation