The MPG input can be used for a number of functions such as:

  1. A manual pulse generator, which allows for fine adjustment of an axis.
  2. Cam follower, which will allow the axis to follow a cam axis based on its encoder output.
  3. Electronic gearing, which allows an axis to follow the input commands but at a different rate of speed (faster or slower).
  4. Encoder Frequency and Impulse Multiplier/Divider

The Commander core has a dedicated MPG input for each axis. To enable the MPG input, set the MPE[axis] command to 1. To disable the MPG input, set the MPE[axis] command to 0.

The MPG inputs are controlled by three commands: MPG signal input mode (POL[axis]), multiplication (MPM[axis]) and division (MPD[axis]).  These work together to set how the pulses from the MPG input controls the motion of an axis. 

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