Circular interpolation is when two axes work together to cause movement along the outer rim of a circle.  The Commander core supports circular interpolation moves using the CIRP and CIRN commands. This will perform a complete 360° circle using any two axes.  When less than 360° of motion is needed, then arc interpolation is used with the ARCP and ARCN commands.  The two functions can be combined when more than 360° of motion is needed. Circles and arcs can be drawn using any two axes.

CIR[A1][A2]P[C1]:[C2] – Draw a circle in CW direction where [A1][A2] signifies the selected axes and [C1][C2] signifies the absolute position of the circle center.

CIR[A1][A2]N[C1]:[C2] – Draw a circle in CCW direction where [A1][A2] signifies the selected axes and [C1][C2] signifies the absolute position of the circle center.

For example, the command CIRXZP1000:1000 will move the X and Z axis in a full circle in the CW direction with the XZ position (1000, 1000) as the circle center.

Circular interpolated moves will use the current axis positions, as well as the specified circle center, to automatically calculate the circle radius. The maximum allowable radius is 134,216,773 pulses for circular interpolated moves. All circular moves are interpreted as absolute moves.







Operating procedure

If there is no change in the previous set data, operations 1 to 3 below are not necessary.

  1. Set an operating speed
  2. Set the positioning coordinate mode with ABS or INC command
  3. Enable the interpolation operation with the EINT command
  4. Issue a circular interpolation operation command

Operating conditions

  • Joystick motion is disabled
  • MPG operation is disabled
  • The operation is stopped
  • The error status is clear

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