2.2.5 Homing operation
Home search routines involve moving the motor and using the home, limit, slowdown, or Z-index inputs to determine the zero-reference position (home point) used for absolute positioning. The Commander core has thirteen (13) different built-in home search routines. Since the signal or signals used to define the home point varies depending on the homing mode selected, carefully select a homing mode that best matches the environment and available input signals of your system.
Some homing routines that involve a decelerated stop may result in a final position that is non-zero. The zero-reference position is correctly preserved as the position that was marked when the home trigger condition was detected.
In ASCII mode, use the H[axis][+/-][mode] command to perform a home move. Standalone mode will use the HOME[axis][+/-][mode] command to perform a homing routine. Please refer to Appendix A: Homing Mode Actions for a full list of the available homing routines and a diagram of the inputs required and their timing.
When ERC[axis](bit1) is set to 1, the ERC(deflection counter clear) signal is output when the zero-reference position (home point) is reached. For more information on the ERC timing, see homing operation in Appendix A: Homing Mode Actions.
Standalone |
HOME[axis][+/-][mode] |
⎯ |
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