Serial communication between the Nippon Pulse terminal program and the Commander and Performax series is possible, but the communication ports must be manually configured. 

The configuration file is located in the […/AppConfig] sub folder. 

The configuration file "COMM_Ports.CFG" can be edited with any simple ASCII-based text editor. For each Serial communication port, a separate line needs to be added.

Device ID  {COM port, baud rate}

Below are some examples:





There is also an example of the configuration file supplied called "COMM_Ports.cfg_example" supplied in the  […/AppConfig] folder.  If you delete the "_example" from the name it will operate. 

All Serial communication ports listed in the "COMM_Ports.CFG" file will be listed in the drop-down box next to the label “Devices Found," regardless of whether or not they are connected.