Example 3
Example to demonstrate an AutoControl script used for product testing. It has two user-prompted input variables, creates a CSV file to log the results, an on screen popup that displays pass/fail, and an indefinite loop that runs the ASCII program until the ESC key is pressed.
' this is a test run of the auto-control feature
[Language1] ' set language to English
[Device1] ' select first Device
[Clear] ' clear display
[ResetCSVResults] ' clears the string buffers for CSV results tracking
[TrackCSVResults]ON ' turns the CSV tracking On
[DefineCSV]ID Number(V2)Pass/Fail(PF)Fail Count(FC)Tester Name(V1)Mil.Time(MT)Time(TM)Mon/Day/Yr(MDY)Date(DT) ' Define data to save to the CSV file
[VarInput1]Tester Name ' user input dialog-box requesting "Enter: Tester Name"
[SaveResultsAutoESC] ' save results buffer text to the next available disk file when the ESC key is pressed
[ResetResults] ' clear display
[LoopStart] ' Start of Loop
[FailClear] ' clears the Fail Counter flag
[VarInput2]ID Number ' user input dialog-box requesting "Enter: ID Number"
[ESCExit] ' check for ESC key press, if ESC pressed, stops the AutoScript and also terminates the Terminal app
[ShowVar1] ' display variable #1 (Tester Name)
[ShowVar2] ' display variable #2 (ID Number)
[ShowMode4] ' display only lines that fail for ASCII program script
[RunProg4] ' runs ASCII program test04.prg
[ESCExit] ' check for ESC key press, if ESC pressed, stops the AutoScript and also terminates the Terminal app
[Show] End test program
[ShowFailCT] ' displays current Failure count
[StoreResults] ' copies display contents to buffer
[UpdateCSV] ' add the current data to CSV data buffers
[PassFailMsg2] ' displays a popup window that shows the current Pass or Fail state
[Clear] ' clear display
[LoopEnd] ' End of Loop (returns to LoopStart until ESC key is pressed)