Macro Syntax:                                              T fontname, props | text string ;                     

            This macro is for defining text that will be displayed by the next R (rectangle) macro.

            example:                      T Arial , BI | This is some text to draw ;

            To draw the text, first position the pen using the M (move) macro.This will be the top/left corner of a rectangle where the text will bedrawn. Then define the text using the T (Text) macro. You can define not only the text but also the font by defining the font name first, then a comma followed by the font properties as listed below:

T - Thin weight (100 weight) 

L - Light weight (300 weight) 

M - Medium weight (500 weight) 

+ - add 100 to defined weight 

(ie L = 300, L+ = 400) 

B - Bold (700 weight) 

X - Xtra Bold (900 weight) 

I - Italics 

U - Underlined 

F - Fixed Pitch 

V - Variable Pitch 

- - StrikeThrough 

D - Default Character Set 

O - OEM Character Set 

S - Symbol Character Set

 Lastly, you draw the text by using the R (rectangle) macro. The Vector control will check the size of the rectangle and the use the largest font possible to fill the rectangle with the text. There is no need to worry about font sizes this way.