Macro Syntax:                       M x,y ;

            Move Current Pen Position to x, y coordinates. This will be in Pixels if the Viewport mode is OFF. If the Viewport mode is ON then the coordinates will be in Vector Units. The Vector control calculates the actual number of pixels based on the size of the viewport compared to the actual size of the Vector object.

Macro Syntax:                       M x,y,r,deg ;

            Alternate Move pen position command. The command uses the x , y coordinates as a starting point. Then it calculates the position of the actual pen position by treaing the x, y coordinates as the center of a circle, then using the degrees (deg) parameter (value from 1 to 360 degrees) and the radius (r) parameter it calculates a point on the defined circle. This point becomes the actual pen position (not the x,y coordinates).