Macro Syntax:                                             E w,h ;             

            Draw an ellipse. Top left corner is at current pen position. w and h are the width and height in pixels. The current pen color is used for the border. The Pen color 0 is used for the inside of the ellipse. And the hatch, style and width values that are current affect the ellipse.

Macro Syntax:                                             E w,h, mode ;               

            Alternate draw an ellipse command. The mode parameter controls how the ellipse is drawn.

            The available modes are:

            0 - Normal Ellipse

            1 - Half Ellipse (left half) (filled)

            2 - Half Ellipse (right half) (filled)

            3 - Half Ellipse (top half) (filled)

            4 - Half Ellipse (bottom half) (filled)

            5 - Quarter Ellipse (left top corner) (filled)

            6 - Quarter Ellipse (right top corner) (filled)

            7 - Quarter Ellipse (right bottom corner) (filled)

            8 - Quarter Ellipse (left bottom corner) (filled)

            9 to 16 Same as 1 to 8, but it draws an arc (line) only.

            17 Draws an complete 360 degree arc (unfilled circle)