Example 1
Example to demonstrate running ASCII program and changing display languages.
' this is a test run of the auto-control feature
[Language1] ' set language to English
[Device1] ' select first Device
[ResetResults] ' clear buffer
[Clear] ' clear display
[Show]This is a test run of Auto-control feature
[ShowMode2] ' display command and return value on same line
[RunProg4] ' runs ASCII program test04.prg
[StoreResults] ' copies display contents to buffer
[Clear] ' clear display
[Show]Run test program again with different mode
[ShowMode3] ' display command and return value on same line (shortened version)
[RunProg4] ' runs ASCII program test04.prg
[StoreResults] ' copies display contents to buffer
[SaveResults4] ' saves buffer contents to testresults4.txt
' rerun tests but in another language
[Language3] ' Change language
[ResetResults] ' clear buffer
[Clear] ' clear display
[Show]This is a test run of Auto-control feature
[ShowMode2] ' display command and return value on same line
[RunProg4] ' runs ASCII program test04.prg
[StoreResults] ' copies display contents to buffer
[Clear] ' clear display
[Show]Run test program again with different mode
[ShowMode3] ' display command and return value on same line (shortened version)
[RunProg4] ' runs ASCII program test04.prg
[StoreResults] ' copies display contents to buffer
[SaveResults5] ' saves buffer contents to testresults5.txt
[Language1] ' set language back to English
[Exit] ' terminate app