There are two versions of this command.  1) Always display the Verify dialog. 2) Only display the Verify dialog in case of a fail.

It is similar to the [CMDReply#] command, but doesn't save the reply data in variables, and it displays this new dialog to verify the device is working.  You can choose what commands to send to the device and send multiple commands at one time.

Version #1

[CMDVerify] Command1|Command2|Command3...

  • This command tells the Terminal app to execute a series of commands to help verify that the device is working correctly.  
  • You can execute multiple commands by separating them with the | character. 
  • Once executed, the Terminal app will display a dialog to indicate that the commands have been executed.
  • The dialog will give you a choice of continuing on (press OK button) or to Try Again.

Example:.    [CMDVerify] ID|VER

It will always display a dialog that looks like this:

Version #2

[CMDVerify] Command1|Command2|Command3{REPLY1|REPLY2|REPLY3}

  • This command tells the Terminal app to execute a series of commands to help verify that the device is working correctly.
  • You can execute multiple commands by separating them with the | character. 
  • Once executed, the Terminal app will display a dialog to indicate that the commands have been executed, if the reply values do not match the expected reply values defined or if a serial timeout occurs. The dialog will give you a choice of continuing on (press OK button) or to Try Again. The expected reply values must be encased between curly brackets { } and separated by the | character.  There must be the same number of reply values as there are command values.

The second version adds expect-reply values, and it uses the reply values to determine if the verify passed or failed. If the reply values do not match the expected reply values or a serial timeout occurs, the verify dialog will display, otherwise it will not be displayed (it passed).