Commander Firmware Version History:

V122: Commander re-branded CMD-4CR (changed from PMX-4EX-CR)

V123: Continuations Sync mode added. SYNC[axis] bit 3 = 1

V124: Add feature SyncWindow to enable Continuations Sync only between two points

 – Added commands: SYNWF[axis], SYNWO[axis], SYNMAX[axis], SYNMIN[axis]

V125: Fix issue with Continuations Sync mode

V126: Firmware fixes.  

- PMX_4JX_OPTION version made the default standard.  ID for PMX_4JX_OPTION is now CMD-4CR. This makes the following options standard and enabled for all CMD-4CR:

    • Servo Motor Interface
    • Latch Function
    • Sync Functions
    • 13 Homing modes
    • Joystick Functions
    • PWM Functions

V127 – Fix SSPD[axis] not working when S-curve enabled. PWM1, PWM2  now have same phase. Remapped MPE and MPG. Added code for compiled SCV. BF and BSTART now return error if buffer is off.

V128 – Add Sync Buffer Support. New commands: SYNBO – SYNC Buffer on Enabled, SYNBF – SYNC Buffer off Disabled. SYNBSTAT (Read Only)Returns sync buffer status (is it enabled,current count in sync buffer, max number of entries available in sync buffer);

    • In sync buffer mode SYNP(axis) command loads the sync buffer

V129 – improvements to StepnLoop operations. Added ability to make Homing Moves at Low speed (mode bit 4 =1) or HighSpeed  (mode bit 4 =0).

Starting With V200 of the Commander Firmware, the commander was moved from a Single-Threaded bare metal system to a Multi-Threaded Real Time Operating System.

V200 – First version with RTOS, Ported from V127 and does not support StandAlone (A-Script) language. Support for Hardware Serial Number was added. 

V201 – StandAlone is fully Supported, All features from V129 were implemented. Added improvements to on-the-fly, full support S-curve during on-the-fly, and SSPDM is now only required if changing speed levels, See Appendix Speed Settings.  Support for soft-reset was added (SFLP[axis] SFLN[axis].  Jerk control for S-Curve was added (JKA[axis] JKD[axis].  CLR command now can be sent without axis information and clear errors from all axes. 

V202 – Fixed known Bug with CMD-4EX-SA with SCV, POL, I/O, and Motor Driver Micro-steps commands.  Added 4 axis in buffer mode (Vector Motion Mode). 

V203 – Fixed known Bug with Standalone, Buffering, and USB communication.

V204 – Fixed known Bug from V203 with linear interpolation move running at 1pps, and UART, RS485 communication. Added new service commands.

V205 – Fixed bugs with buffering and circular interpolation moves. Fixed known Bugs from 204 with V0 - V4 being set with moves. Added additional checks to catch invalid inputs related to HSPD, LSPD, ACC, DEC, SCV, MPE, LT, SCV, SL, SFL, and SFLSD . Standardize error messages and expand replies to be more helpful. The CMD-4EX-SA version now includes the default settings for the CMD-4EX-SA series of controllers. The CMD-4CR version is updated to V205.1  This fixes an issue where the stored POL[axis] was over written by the default on power-cycle. V205.2 fixed an issue where  PS[axis] was returning the correct speed values, but PS was reporting -1 for axis Y and incorrect values for axis Z and U.

V206 – Fixed known Bug from V205. Test for valid motion setting now check when starting move instead of as commands entered. Added speed improvements for standalone programs.

V207 – Fixed known Bug from V206. Added speed improvements for standalone programs. Fixed bug where ABORT[axis] at times would not stop all axis involved in linear interpolation move. Increased stability of StepnLoop, Abort, and Standalone programming.

V300 of the Commander Firmware is only supports Gen 5 commander hardware.  

V300 – First version for Gen 5 commander hardware. Ported from V207 and does not support StandAlone (A-Script) language.

V300.1  – Fixed UART to support CR end of line.