5.4.8 Standalone Example Program 8 – Multi-thread
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Summary of operation
Program 0 will continuously move the motor between positions 0 and 1000. Simultaneously, program 1 will control the status of program 0 using digital inputs.
Program code
PRG 0 ;Start program 0
HSPD=20000 ;Set speed to 20,000 pulses/sec
LSPD=500 ;Set speed to 500 pulses/sec
ACC=500 ;Set acceleration to 500 msec
WHILE 1=1 ;Forever loop
X0 ;Move X-axis to position 0
WAITX ;Wait for X-axis move to complete
X1000 ;Move X-axis to position 1,000
WAITX ;Wait for X-axis move to complete
ENDWHILE ;Go back to WHILE statement
END ;End program 0
PRG 1 ;Start program 1
WHILE 1=1 ;Forever loop
IF DI1=1 ;If digital input 1 is triggered
ABORTX ;Stop movement in X-axis
SR0=0 ;Stop program 0
ELSE ;If digital input 1 is not triggered
SR0=1 ;Run program 0
ENDIF ;End of the IF loop
ENDWHILE ;Go back to WHILE statement
END ;End program 1
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