5.4.6 Standalone Example Program 6 – Single Thread with subroutine
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Summary of operation
Using a subroutine, increment the X axis by 1000 whenever the DI1 rising edge is detected.
Program code
PRG 0 ;Program start line, Program 0
HSPD=20000 ;Set high speed to 20,000 pulses/sec
LSPD=1000 ;Set low speed to 1000 pulses/sec
ACC=300 ;Set acceleration to 300 msec
ABS ;Set move mode to absolute mode
EO=1 ;Enable the X-axis
V1=0 ;Set variable 1 to 0
WHILE 1=1 ;Forever loop
IF DI1=1 ;If digital input 1 is on, execute the following commands
GOSUB 1 ;Execute subroutine 1
ENDIF ;End of the IF loop
ENDWHILE ;Go back to WHILE statement
END ;End of program 0
SUB 1 ;Subroutine start line, subroutine 1
XV1 ;Move X-axis to V1 target position
WAITX ;Wait for X-axis move to complete
V1=V1+1000 ;Increment V1 by 1,000
WHILE DI1=1 ;Wait until the DI1 is turned off (prevent multiple increments)
ENDWHILE ;Go back to WHILE statement
ENDSUB ;End of subroutine 1
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